Beginning calisthenics

June 22nd 2024

This post marks the beginning of my journey with calisthenics.

You might ask yourself? Why?

I think the answer is pretty simple. I want to get a better phisique and a good way to start is with calisthenics. However I feel like I should introduce my situation a bit better: I'm in my late-ish teens, I'm really skinny and do not have much muscular mass, I'm also pretty short. Sure I could hit the jim (spelled jim for artistic purposes) like a lot of people my age but (at least for now) bodyweight excercies seem enough to stimulate hypertrophy.

About a month ago I bought a pull-up bar and I've been going at it every now and then but I haven't really stuck with a work-out routine (though this has made my back develop a bit). That is, until now.

a slightly muscular back

>mfw bad form

My (non meme proof) workout routine

This comes straight from Healthline so it might just be a meme work-out routine but I'd wager it's better than to not do anything.

The routine goes as follows:

As for cardio I already sometimes ride my bike for fun but I'll make sure to get back into running